Source code for sqlconvert.process_mysql

from sqlparse.sql import Comment, Function, Identifier, Parenthesis, \
    Statement, Token
from sqlparse import tokens as T
from .process_tokens import escape_strings, is_comment_or_space

def _is_directive_token(token):
    if isinstance(token, Comment):
        subtokens = token.tokens
        if subtokens:
            comment = subtokens[0]
            if comment.ttype is T.Comment.Multiline and \
                return True
    return False

[docs]def is_directive_statement(statement): tokens = statement.tokens if not _is_directive_token(tokens[0]): return False if tokens[-1].ttype is not T.Punctuation or tokens[-1].value != ';': return False for token in tokens[1:-1]: if token.ttype not in (T.Newline, T.Whitespace): return False return True
[docs]def remove_directive_tokens(statement): """Remove /\*! directives \*/ from the first-level""" new_tokens = [] for token in statement.tokens: if _is_directive_token(token): continue new_tokens.append(token) statement.tokens = new_tokens
[docs]def requote_names(token_list): """Remove backticks, quote non-lowercase identifiers""" for token in token_list.flatten(): if token.ttype is T.Name: value = token.value if (value[0] == "`") and (value[-1] == "`"): value = value[1:-1] if value.islower(): token.normalized = token.value = value else: token.normalized = token.value = '"%s"' % value
[docs]def unescape_strings(token_list): """Unescape strings""" for token in token_list.flatten(): if token.ttype is T.String.Single: value = token.value for orig, repl in ( ('\\"', '"'), ("\\'", "'"), ("''", "'"), ('\\b', '\b'), ('\\n', '\n'), ('\\r', '\r'), ('\\t', '\t'), ('\\\032', '\032'), ('\\\\', '\\'), ): value = value.replace(orig, repl) token.normalized = token.value = value
[docs]def is_insert(statement): for token in statement.tokens: if is_comment_or_space(token): continue return (token.ttype is T.DML) and (token.normalized == 'INSERT')
[docs]def split_ext_insert(statement): """Split extended INSERT into multiple standard INSERTs""" insert_tokens = [] values_tokens = [] end_tokens = [] expected = 'INSERT' for token in statement.tokens: if is_comment_or_space(token): if expected == 'END': end_tokens.append(token) else: insert_tokens.append(token) continue elif expected == 'INSERT': if (token.ttype is T.DML) and (token.normalized == 'INSERT'): insert_tokens.append(token) expected = 'INTO' continue elif expected == 'INTO': if (token.ttype is T.Keyword) and (token.normalized == 'INTO'): insert_tokens.append(token) expected = 'TABLE_NAME' continue elif expected == 'TABLE_NAME': if isinstance(token, (Function, Identifier)): insert_tokens.append(token) expected = 'VALUES' continue elif expected == 'VALUES': if (token.ttype is T.Keyword) and (token.normalized == 'VALUES'): insert_tokens.append(token) expected = 'VALUES_OR_SEMICOLON' continue elif expected == 'VALUES_OR_SEMICOLON': if isinstance(token, Parenthesis): values_tokens.append(token) continue elif token.ttype is T.Punctuation: if token.value == ',': continue elif token.value == ';': end_tokens.append(token) expected = 'END' continue raise ValueError( 'SQL syntax error: expected "%s", got %s "%s"' % ( expected, token.ttype, token.normalized)) new_line = Token(T.Newline, '\n') new_lines = [new_line] # Insert newlines between split statements for i, values in enumerate(values_tokens): if i == len(values_tokens) - 1: # Last but one statement # Insert newlines only between split statements but not after new_lines = [] # The statemnt sets `parent` attribute of the every token to self # but we don't care. statement = Statement(insert_tokens + [values] + end_tokens + new_lines) yield statement
[docs]def process_statement(statement, quoting_style='sqlite'): requote_names(statement) unescape_strings(statement) remove_directive_tokens(statement) escape_strings(statement, quoting_style) if is_insert(statement): for statement in split_ext_insert(statement): yield statement else: yield statement