01. In the beginning was the word and in word was two bytes, and there was nothing more. 02. And God divided 1 from 0, and God saw that it was good. 03. And God said: Let there be data. And there were data. 04. And God said: Let the data be in right place for them. And God created diskettes and hard disks, and CD's. 05. And God said: Let there be computers, so there will be place to insert diskettes and hard disks, and CD's into. And God created computers and called them hardware, and divided software from hardware. 06. There was no software yet, but God created fast programs - big and small and told them: Go and be fruitful, and multiply, and fill all the memory. 07. But God was fed up with creating programs by Himself and He said: I create Programmer in my image and let he has dominion over computers, and programs, and data. And created God Programmer and place him in Computer Center, so Programmer could work there. And God led him do catalog tree and said: In every catalog you can run programs, only from >>Windows<< do not use them, cause you die for sure. 08. And God said: There is not good for Programmer to be alone, so let we create for him one, who will admire work of Programmer. And God took one of his ribs from Programmer, where there was no mind and created That, what will admire work of Programmer, and lead That to him. And God called That User. And they sat together under naked DOS and weren't ashamed of that. 09. But Bill was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And said Bill unto the User: Is that true, that God said, that You shouldn't run any program? And said User: In every catalog we can run programs, and only from >>Windows<< not, to be not dead. And said Bill to User: How can You talk about something ,what you don't try! This day, when You run program from catalog >>Windows<<, You'll be equal to God, cause by one click of mouse You create all, what You want. And saw User, that fruits of Windows were pleasure for eyes and worthy of desire, cause any knowledge was from this time unnecessary, and he installed Windows on his computer. And said User to Programmer that this is good, and Programmer installed >>WIndows<< also. 0a. And at once start Programmer on to find new drivers. And said God: Where do You go? And he answered: I go to serach for new drivers, cause they aren't in DOS. And then said God: Who told You, that You need drivers? Didn't You run any from programs for Windows? Said Programmer then: User, who You gave me to be with me, he ordered programs for WIndows and this is why I installed Windows. And said God to User: Why did You do that? And answered User: Bill beguiled me. 0b. Then said God unto Bill: Cause you have done this, You 're cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field. I will put enemity between You and the User, he will always cursed You, and You'll sell him Windows. 0c. To the User said God: Windows disappoionts You and devastes Your resources, and You will have to use miserable programs, and You could not help Yourself without Programmer service. 0d. Unto the Programmer God said: Because You follow the advice of the User, there were cursed Your computers, cause there will be a lot of bugs and viruses in them, and in sorrow will You still improve Your work. 0e. And God sent them forth from His Computer Center, and protected by password entrance to it. 0f. General protection fault.