#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: koi8-r -*- __author__ = "Oleg Broytman " __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2006-2024 PhiloSoft Design" from calendar import _localized_month from html import escape import locale import sys, os from urllib.parse import quote, urljoin from Cheetah.Template import Template from Cheetah.compat import string_type from m_lib.net.www.html import HTMLParser as _HTMLParser from atom_10 import atom_10 from blog_db import blog_root, load_blog, save_blog from news import NewsItem, write_if_changed from rss_20 import rss_20 old_blog = load_blog() # blog is a dictionary mapping # (year, month, day) => [list of (file, title, lead, tags)] blog = {} years = {} # bodies is a dictionary mapping file => body bodies = {} # Walk the directory recursively for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(blog_root): d = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not d.startswith("20") and not d.isdigit(): continue for file in files: if not file.endswith(".tmpl"): continue fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file) template = Template(file=fullpath) title_parts = template.Title.split() title = ' '.join(title_parts[6:]) lead = template.Lead tags = template.Tag if isinstance(tags, string_type): tags = (tags,) if title: key = year, month, day = \ tuple(dirpath[len(blog_root):].split(os.sep)[1:]) if key in blog: days = blog[key] else: days = blog[key] = [] days.append((file, title, lead, tags)) if year in years: months = years[year] else: months = years[year] = {} if month in months: days = months[month] else: days = months[month] = [] if day not in days: days.append(day) file = file[:-len("tmpl")] + "html" key = (year, month, day, file) body = template.body() bodies[key] = body # Need to save the blog? if blog != old_blog: save_blog(blog) # Localized month names locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "ru_RU.KOI8-R") locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C') months_names_en = list(_localized_month('%B')) months_abbrs_en = list(_localized_month('%b')) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "ru_RU.KOI8-R") # months_names_ru = list(_localized_month('%B')) months_names_ru = [ '', "января", "февраля", "марта", "апреля", "мая", "июня", "июля", "августа", "сентября", "октября", "ноября", "декабря" ] months_names_ru0 = [ '', "январь", "февраль", "март", "апрель", "май", "июнь", "июль", "август", "сентябрь", "октябрь", "ноябрь", "декабрь" ] def encode_tag(tag): return quote(tag.replace(' ', '_'), encoding='koi8-r') def write_template(level, year, month, day, titles, tags=None): path = [blog_root] if level >= 1: path.append(year) if level >= 2: path.append(month) if level == 3: path.append(day) path.append("index.tmpl") index_name = os.path.join(*path) new_text = ["""\ ## THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. #encoding koi8-r #extends phd_site #implements respond """] if level == 0: new_text.append("""\ #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog Index Document" #attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s #attr $alternates = (("Новости [Atom 1.0] только заголовки", "application/atom+xml", "atom_10_titles.xml"), ("Новости [Atom 1.0]", "application/atom+xml", "atom_10.xml"), ("Новости [Atom 1.0] полные тексты", "application/atom+xml", "atom_10_full.xml"), ("Новости [RSS 2.0] только заголовки", "application/rss+xml", "rss_20_titles.xml"), ("Новости [RSS 2.0]", "application/rss+xml", "rss_20.xml"), ("Новости [RSS 2.0] полные тексты", "application/rss+xml", "rss_20_full.xml"), ) ## #def body_html


""" % {"cyear": year or 2005}) elif level == 1: new_text.append("""\ #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog: %(year)s" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog %(year)s Index Document" #attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s ## #def body_html

Журнал: %(year)s

""" % {"year": year, "cyear": year or 2005}) elif level == 2: imonth = int(month) new_text.append("""\ #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog: %(month_abbr_en)s %(year)s" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog %(month_name_en)s %(year)s Index Document" #attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s ## #def body_html

Журнал: %(month_name_ru0)s %(year)s

""" % { "year": year, "cyear": year or 2005, "month_abbr_en": months_abbrs_en[imonth], "month_name_en": months_names_en[imonth], "month_name_ru0": months_names_ru0[imonth], }) elif level == 3: iday = int(day) imonth = int(month) if len(titles) == 1: new_text.append("""\ #attr $Refresh = "0; URL=%s" """ % titles[0][3]) new_text.append("""\ #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog: %(day)d %(month_abbr_en)s %(year)s" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog %(day)d %(month_name_en)s %(year)s Index Document" #attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s ## #def body_html

Журнал: %(day)d %(month_name_ru)s %(year)s

""" % { "year": year, "cyear": year or 2005, "month_abbr_en": months_abbrs_en[imonth], "month_name_en": months_names_en[imonth], "month_name_ru": months_names_ru[imonth], "day": iday }) save_titles = titles[:] titles.reverse() save_date = None for year, month, day, file, title, lead in titles: href = [] if level == 0: href.append(year) if level <= 1: href.append(month) if level <= 2: href.append(day) href.append(file) href = '/'.join(href) if day[0] == '0': day = day[1:] if save_date != (year, month, day): if level == 0: new_text.append('\n

%s %s %s

' % (day, months_names_ru[int(month)], year)) else: new_text.append('\n

%s %s

' % (day, months_names_ru[int(month)])) save_date = year, month, day new_text.append('''


''' % (lead+' ' if lead else '', href, title)) if level == 0: new_text.append("""

Новостевая лента в форматах Atom 1.0 только заголовки / Atom 1.0 / Atom 1.0 полные тексты и RSS 2.0 только заголовки / RSS 2.0 / RSS 2.0 полные тексты.

""") years = {} for year, month, day, file, title, lead in save_titles: years[year] = True new_text.append('''

Теги: ''') first_tag = True for count, tag, links in all_tags: if first_tag: first_tag = False else: new_text.append(' - ') new_text.append("""%s (%d)""" % ( encode_tag(tag), tag, count)) new_text.append('''

''') max_year = int(sorted(years.keys())[-1]) years = range(max_year, 2005, -1) new_text.append('''

По годам: ''') year_counts = {} for year, month, day, file, title, lead in all_titles: year_counts[year] = 0 for year, month, day, file, title, lead in all_titles: year_counts[year] += 1 first_year = True for year in years: if first_year: first_year = False else: new_text.append(' - ') new_text.append('%s (%d)' % (year, year, year_counts[str(year)])) new_text.append('''

''') new_text.append("""

ЖЖ """) new_text.append("""\ #end def $phd_site.respond(self) """) write_if_changed(index_name, ''.join(new_text)) all_tags = {} all_titles = [] all_titles_tags = [] for year in sorted(years.keys()): year_titles = [] months = years[year] for month in sorted(months.keys()): month_titles = [] for day in sorted(months[month]): day_titles = [] key = year, month, day if key in blog: for file, title, lead, tags in blog[key]: if file.endswith(".tmpl"): file = file[:-len("tmpl")] + "html" value = (year, month, day, file, title, lead) all_titles_tags.append((year, month, day, file, title, lead, tags)) all_titles.append(value) year_titles.append(value) month_titles.append(value) day_titles.append(value) for tag in tags: if tag in all_tags: tag_links = all_tags[tag] else: tag_links = all_tags[tag] = [] tag_links.append(value) write_template(3, year, month, day, day_titles) write_template(2, year, month, day, month_titles) write_template(1, year, month, day, year_titles) def by_count_rev_tag_link(tag): """Sort all_tags by count in descending order, and by tags and links in ascending order """ return tag[:3] all_tags = [(len(links), tag, links) for (tag, links) in all_tags.items()] all_tags.sort(key=by_count_rev_tag_link) write_template(0, year, month, day, all_titles[-20:], all_tags) new_text = ["""\ ## THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. #encoding koi8-r #extends phd_site #implements respond #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog: tags" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog Tags Index Document" #attr $Copyright = 2006 ## #def body_html


Форма поиска позволяет искать сообщения в блоге, соответствующие выражению. Синтаксис выражения:

Примеры выражений: Linux - произойдёт перенаправление на страницу Linux.html; Linux&!Debian - искать записи в которых есть тег Linux и нет тега Debian; Linux and not Debian - то же самое.

"""] for i, (count, tag, links) in enumerate(all_tags): new_text.append("""\
%s (%d)
""" % (encode_tag(tag), tag, count)) first = all_tags[0][1] if i == 0: prev = None else: prev = all_tags[i-1][1] if i >= len(all_tags)-1: next = None else: next = all_tags[i+1][1] last = all_tags[-1][1] tag_text = ["""\ ## THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. #encoding koi8-r #extends phd_site #implements respond #attr $Title = "Oleg Broytman's blog: tag %s" #attr $Description = "Broytman Russian Blog Tag %s Index Document" """ % (tag, tag)] tag_text.append("""\ #attr $First = "%s" """ % first) if prev: tag_text.append("""\ #attr $Prev = "%s" """ % prev) if next: tag_text.append("""\ #attr $Next = "%s" """ % next) tag_text.append("""\ #attr $Last = "%s" """ % last) tag_text.append("""\ #attr $Copyright = 2006 ## #def body_html


#end def $phd_site.respond(self) """) write_if_changed(os.path.join(blog_root, "tags", tag.replace(' ', '_') + ".tmpl"), ''.join(tag_text)) new_text.append("""\
#end def $phd_site.respond(self) """) write_if_changed(os.path.join(blog_root, "tags", "index.tmpl"), ''.join(new_text)) class HTMLDone(Exception): pass class FirstPHTMLParser(_HTMLParser): def __init__(self): _HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.first_p = None def start_p(self, attrs): self.accumulator = '

' def end_p(self): self.first_p = self.accumulator + '

' raise HTMLDone() def get_first_p(body): parser = FirstPHTMLParser() try: parser.feed(body) except HTMLDone: pass try: parser.close() except HTMLDone: pass return parser.first_p class AbsURLHTMLParser(_HTMLParser): def __init__(self, base): _HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.base = base def start_a(self, attrs): self.accumulator += '