Command-line scripts

Usage: [-C] [-D]


-C, --config config      Configuration file
-D, --database database  Open this database by pathname/db uri

Initialize database and import genres list. Isn’t really needed as the next script does all that too.

Usage: [-C] [-D] [-P] [file.inpx ...]


-C, --config config      Configuration file
-D, --database database  Open this database by pathname/db uri
-P, --no-pbar            Inhibit progress bar

Initialize database, import genres list and import a list of INPX files listed in the command line. On subsequent runs doesn’t destroy DB or reimport genres; it also skips already import books but import new ones.

Usage: [-C] [-D] [-i] [-I] [-t] [-s] [-f] [-v] [-c] ...

Search through the database and display results. Currently can only search authors by name.

Global options:

-C, --config config      Configuration file
-D, --database database  Open this database by pathname/db uri
-i, --ignore-case        ignore case (default is to guess)
-I, --case-sensitive     don’t ignore case
-t, --start              search type: substring at the start
                         (this is the default)
-s, --substring          search type: substring anywhere
-f, --full               search type: match the full string
-c, --count              Output count of found objects
-v, --verbose            Output more details about found objects;
                         repeat for even more details

Options -i/-I cannot be used together as they are the opposite. In case none of them are used the program guesses case-sensitivity by looking at the arguments. If all arguments are lowercase the program performs case-insensitive search. If there are UPPERCASE or MixedCase arguments the program performs case-sensitive search.

Options -t/-s/-f define the search type. Search types are:

  • start - search for substring at the start of the search field; for example searching for “duck” returns results for “duck” and “duckling” but not for “McDuck”; this is the default search type.

  • substring - search for any substring; “duck” => “duck”, “duckling”, “McDuck” (except for case-sensitive search, of course).

  • full - search for exact match, compare the entire strings; i.e. searching for “duck” returns results for “duck” but not for “duckling”;

Book searching and downloading

Usage: books [-t title] [-s series] [-a archive] [-f file] [--id id] [--surname name] [--name name] [--misc-name name] [--fullname name] [--aid aid] [-e ext] [--eid eid] [--gname name] [--gtitle title] [--gid gid] [-l lang] [--lid lid] [-P path] [-F format] [--get] [--get-many N]

Search and print a list of books by title, series, archive or file name.


-t, --title title      Search by title
-s, --series series    Search by series
-a, --archive archive  Search by archive (zip file)
-f, --file file        Search by file name (without extension)
--id id                Search by database id
--surname surname      Search by author’s surname
--name name            Search by author’s name
--misc-name misc. name Search by author’s misc. name
--fullname name        Search by author’s full name
--aid aid              Search by author’s id
-e, --ext ext          Search by file extension
--eid eid              Search by extension’s id
--gname name           Search by genre’s name
--gtitle title         Search by genre’s title
--gid gid              Search by genre’s id
-l, --lang lang        Search by language
--lid lid              Search by language’s id
--filters              Use filters from config
-P, --path path        Path to the directory with the library
--download-to [path]   Download directory
-F, --format format    Format of the downloaded file name
--get                  Download exactly one book
--get-many N           Download at most this many books

By default the program prints only titles of the found book. With one option -v it also prints database id, the list of authors and genres, and also series the book belongs to (if any) and the serial number of the book in the series. With two options -v (-v -v or simply -vv) it also prints the file date and language. With three -v it prints archive name, file name, extension and size, and flag if the book is marked to be deleted.

Option -P provides the path to the directory with the library archives. By default the path is extracted from configuration file, section [library], key path:

path = /var/lib/archives

The option is useful for multiple databases (global option -D).

Option –filters turns on using filters from config. Currently there are two kind of filters: filters on languages and filter on flag deleted. They are defined in the config file the following way:

lang = en ru
deleted = 0

lang filters is a list of language codes separated by a space. deleted is a 0/1 flag; 0 hides deleted books from search.

Option –download-to provides the path to the download directory. By default the script downloads books to the current directory. If the option is used without path argument the path is extracted from configuration file, section [download], key path:

path = /tmp

Option –get allows to download a book from the library to a local file. The option allows to download exactly one book. The simplest way to use it is via option –id. The file is downloaded into the current directory with the name from the library.

Configuration key

format = %a/%s/%n %t

allows to set format for the download file pathname. Default format is %f, i.e. just filename. Other format specifiers are:

%a - author (one of if many)
%e - file extension
%f - file name in archive
%G - genre (one of if many), name
%g - genre (one of if many), title
%l - language
%n - series number (or 0)
%s - series
%t - title

Format must not end in directory separator (/ or \). If specifier %e (extension) is not found in the format it is appended unconditionally with a dot. That is, format %f is equivalent to %f.%e.

Option -F|–format format allows to overwrite this configuration value.

Option –get-many N allows to download many books (at most N, where N is an integer). Options –get-many N and –get are, of course, mutually incompatible.

Usage: [-p port]


-p, --port port      HTTP port to listen to

Run a web server. If a port is given listens on the given port else chooses a random port. Starts a browser (or open a new window of a running browser) pointing it to the server.

If the program is already running the second instance detects the first one, starts a browser pointing to running instance and exits.