/ Software / dotfiles

# git configuration
# Text version here
# Generated by gvim :runtime syntax/2html.vim
# I copied some aliases from and other sources.
# Some I've added to gitalias. Some are mine.

  # One letter alias for our most frequent commands.
  a = add
  b = branch
  c = commit
  d = diff
  f = fetch
  g = grep
  l = log
  m = merge
  o = checkout
  p = pull
  r = remote
  s = status
  w = whatchanged

  ### add ###

  aa = add --all

  ap = add --patch

  au = add --update

  ### branch ###

  be = branch --edit-description

  bm = branch --merged

  bnm = branch --no-merged

  ### commit ###

  cm = commit --message

  ### checkout ###

  co = checkout

  ### cherry-pick ###

  chp = cherry-pick

  ### diff ###

  # diff - show changes not yet staged
  dc = diff --cached

  # diff - changes about to be commited
  ds = diff --staged

  # diff - show changes but by word, not line
  dw = diff --word-diff

  ### rebase ###

  rb = rebase

  rba = rebase --abort

  rbc = rebase --continue

  rbs = rebase --skip

  # See
  # This is a slightly modified version
  fixup = "!f() { TARGET=$(git rev-parse \"$1\"); git commit --fixup=$TARGET && GIT_EDITOR=true exec git rebase --interactive --autostash --autosquash $TARGET~; }; f"

  ### remote ###

  rs = remote show

  ru = remote update

  rp = remote prune

  incoming = !git remote update --prune; exec git log ..@{upstream}
  outgoing = log @{upstream}..

  # Push to all remotes
  push-to-all-remotes = !git remote | xargs -I% -n1 git push %

  ### show-branch ###

  # show-branch - print a list of branches and their commits.
  sb = show-branch

  ### status ###

  ss = status --short

  ssb = status --short --branch

  aliases = "!git config --get-regexp '^alias\\.' | cut -c7- | sed 's/ / = /'"

  add-alias = "!f() { [ $# = 3 ] && git config $1 alias.\"$2\" \"$3\" && return 0 || echo \"Usage: git add-(local|global)-alias <new alias> <original command>\" >&2 && return 1; }; f"
  add-global-alias = "!exec git add-alias --global"
  add-local-alias = "!exec git add-alias --local"

  # Last tag in the current branch
  lasttag = describe --tags --abbrev=0

  # Latest annotated tag in all branches
  lasttagged = !exec git describe --tags `exec git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`

  # List all tags
  tags = tag --list -n1

  # Find text in any commit ever
  grep-all = !"f() { git rev-list --all | xargs git grep \"$@\"; }; f"

  # Edit all files of the given type
  edit-cached = !"f() { git ls-files --cached | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-deleted = !"f() { git ls-files --deleted | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-others = !"f() { git ls-files --others | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-ignored = !"f() { git ls-files --ignored | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-killed = !"f() { git ls-files --killed | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-modified = !"f() { git ls-files --modified | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  edit-stage = !"f() { git ls-files --stage | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"

  # Editing and adding conflicted files: when we get many merge conflicts
  # and want to quickly solve them using an editor, then add the  files.
  edit-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec `exec git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
  add-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec git add `f`"

  # Get the current branch name
  branch-name = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

  assume   = update-index --assume-unchanged
  unassume = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
  # assume-all = "!git st -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git assume"
  unassume-all = "!git assumed | xargs git update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
  assumed  = !"git ls-files -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3-"

  stashes = stash list

	branches = branch --all
	ca = commit --all
	cv = commit --verbose
	cav = commit --all --verbose
	cane = commit --amend --no-edit
	checkin = commit
	ci = commit
	cat = cat-file -p
	dh = "!f() { git -c color.diff=always diff \"$@\" | perl /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight | less; }; f"
	dir = rev-parse --git-dir
	dump = cat-file -p
	file = cat-file -t
	type = cat-file -t
	ff = merge --ff-only
	#git = !exec git
	l1 = log --decorate --oneline
	l5 = log --decorate -5
	ld = log --decorate
	lg = log --decorate --graph
	lg1 = log --decorate --graph --oneline
	lg5 = log --decorate --graph -5
	lr = log --decorate --reverse
	lr1 = log --decorate --reverse --oneline
	lr5 = log --decorate --reverse -5
	null-merge = merge --strategy=ours
	rbi123 = "!f() { exec git rebase --interactive --autostash $1 $2 ${3:-\"@{upstream\\}\"}; }; f"
	rbi = !exec git rbi123 '' ''
	rbia = !exec git rbi123 --autosquash ''
	rbiap = !exec git rbi123 --autosquash --preserve-merges
	rbip = !exec git rbi123 '' --preserve-merges
	remotes = remote --verbose
	#root = !exec pwd
	root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
	status = status --no-short
	st = status --short
	stb = status --short --branch
	sd = show --decorate
	sw = show --word-diff --decorate
	unstage = reset HEAD --

	# Github: pull request, Gitlab: merge request
	mpr = "!f() { git fetch ${2:-origin} refs/$3/$1/head:pr/$1 && if [ \"$4\" = checkout ]; then git checkout pr/$1; fi; }; f"
	fetch-mr = "!f() { git mpr $1 ${2:-origin} merge-requests; }; f"
	merge-request = "!f() { git mpr $1 ${2:-origin} merge-requests checkout; }; f"
	fetch-pr = "!f() { git mpr $1 ${2:-origin} pull; }; f"
	pull-request = "!f() { git mpr $1 ${2:-origin} pull checkout; }; f"
	clean-pr = "!git checkout master ; git for-each-ref refs/heads/pr/* --format=\"%(refname)\" | while read ref ; do branch=${ref#refs/heads/} ; git branch -D $branch ; done"

	autosetuprebase = always

	ui = auto

	indentHeuristic = true

	fallbackToNoIndex = true

	path = ~/lib/config/git/light_bg

	defaultBranch = master

	abbrevCommit = true
	#mailmap = true

	tool = vimdiff

#[mergetool "vimdiff3"]
# Don't forget to add -f for gvim
# 3 way diffs
#	cmd = vim -d \"$MERGED\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" -c \"wincmd J\"

	default = simple
	followTags = true
	recurseSubmodules = check

	#denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead
	denyDeleteCurrent = true
	#denyDeletes = true
	#denyNonFastForwards = true

#	sort = version:refname

[tar "tar.bz2"]
	command = bzip2 -c
[tar "tar.xz"]
	command = xz -c

#	fsckObjects = true

	signingKey = 6E080B70B6287B03

	browser = webbrowser

[browser "webbrowser"]
	cmd = webbrowser -n

	fontui = -family \"DejaVu Sans\" -size 18 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
	fontdiff = -family \"DejaVu Sans Mono\" -size 18 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0

# git:// protocol fixers
#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf = "git://"
#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf = "git://"

# Protocol changers
#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = ssh://
#	insteadOf = ssh://
#	insteadOf =

#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf =

#[url ""]
#	insteadOf = ssh://
#	insteadOf = ssh://
#	insteadOf =

#[url "ssh://"]
#	insteadOf =

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